Saturday, July 27, 2024

Medieval Zodiac Tarot Playing Cards Zazzle

Find your birthday sign with the twelve medieval zodiac tarot playing cards featured below. The vintage designs on the back of the cards are from the 15th century. It seems fitting for this to be the back side of the tarot cards that have medieval characteristics. On Zazzle, there are ten types of playing cards to choose from if the tarot cards are not for you. Those are all listed under "Game Type". Enjoy your birthday sign and find out what is in your fortune. The description reads: Comprising a deck of 78 cards, each imbued with symbolic significance, these cards offer a transformative experience for divination, self-discovery, and spiritual guidance.

Zodiac Sign Tarot Cards are On Sale
Click on the images and links to the Zazzle site. Use the code in red for the sale price.

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