Autumn is fashionable on clothing that does include shoes and socks. These have the autumn photographs and artwork features within these custom print on demand products — beautiful colors of Fall with brown, yellow, orange, and green. All these products are by Sandyspider on Zazzle and are entirely customizable. Design images can be resize, tiled, or exchange the images to replace with your artwork or photos. Add text, as in someone's name. Below are clickable images that lead to the product(s) on Zazzle to view and purchase. Look at the top of the Zazzle site page for a coupon code to add for extra savings and add that in your shopping cart. Any questions or a custom product made just for you; please contact Sandy at
All these images on gifts are on many products. When on the site, note the products that they are on. You are also able to transfer the designs to other products. Click images below to view.
Autumn Socks for Women and Men

Shoes for Men and Women

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