Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Presidential Election Gifts

Here is your chance to get some amazing presidential election gifts that you can personalize on ZazzleDonald Trump, Hillary Clinton or a political animal. Something for everyone!  There is products for the democrat, republican and the animal lover. For those not familiar with Zazzle, it is a custom online print on demand site (POD) with hundreds of different products. The products below are from collections and category pages which show many different political products from pin-back buttons, stickers to funny t-shirts. Plus many more political themed gifts offered in four of my stores. See below for the current sales special and code. Click on the images and links (red and blue) to visit this site and find something just for you.

Political Election Gifts Page and Collections

Past and Present Presidents Categories

Public figures are all in the FabPeople Store

Political Product Examples

Examples of the products within these Zazzle stores are shown below to purchase. Many of my designs are original and something that you will not find anywhere else. When adding these to your shopping cart, add the latest promo code for additional savings.

Hillary Clinton for President

Found in the Pro Hillary Clinton - Satire Clintion Collection. Check often for more products that will be added.

Donald Trump for President

Found in the  Pro Donald Trump - Satire Trump Collection. (As of this writing, there are more Trump products. More Hillary designs on products are on the way.)

Combinations of the two popular parties are found in the Political Parties collection.

Political Animals for President

Found in the Political Animals Collection with these products below! Literally just what it states! These are the animals of the furry kind, whom are running for the presidency. In my opinion, the only true candidates.

Past and Present Presidents 

Get the Code
Tthis offer is time sensitive with up 60% off the upcoming election and all products on Zazzle. This is a percentage from 15% to 60%, depending on the product. Example: T-shirts are 30% off the original price. Take 60% off greeting cards and stickers.  Use the promo code ELECTOSAVE60 at checkout. Offer is valid through September 15, 2016, 11:59 PM PT. If you miss this one, check out the top of the Zazzle site for more deals.

Contact me at for a custom product.