Humorous Shirts
Donald Trump satire t-shirts are available at Zazzle and designed by Sandyspider Gifts. The artwork on these political shirts is uniquely created by this designer, known as Sandyspider. When it comes to Trump, there is no exaggeration or irony. Everything about him is larger than life. Like a giant rubber ducky. The Election Day is getting closer. Will you be wearing one of these funny and fun satire shirts?Note: These shirts are shown in the men’s styles of t-shirts which can be worn by women too. From the one product page, look to the right on the page to "Color & Style" options. Choose from the many styles for men, women and children in clothing with these images.
Bad and Good Hair Days
The first shirt is how we see the Trump with his frontal comb over. Many of us would think of it as a bad hair day. The second one is if he had a good hair day. There are political flag elephants, but nothing quite like this.Trump Bad Hair Elephant 2016 Men's Basic T-Shirt by Sandyspider
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Groovy Donald Shirt
Saying that Donald Trump is groovy may be going a bit too far. An original American Flag font quote of “Making America Groovy Again” looks amazing on a tie-dye t-shirt.Irony with the Golden Trump Bird
Interpret this your way. Satire can be double edge. Not always mean. These t-shirts are for those who are for or against Trump. Depends on how you view it.The world’s largest inflatable duck. The photo of the rubber ducky was taken by me, when the Festival of Ships were in our port. The duck was a lot cuter before the Trump face was added. You will not find this original work anywhere else. Below are two different types of shirts.
Donald Trump Rubber Yellow Duck Mens Panel T-Shirt by Sandyspider
See other Yellow Trump Duck Products